I wish I could impose restrictions as we do in corporate meetings , viz. mobiles on silent( a cardinal rule), no smoking and only 1 speaker at a time . At this meeting there was plenty of cross talk and cross walk , note Krishna Mazumdar's blurred figure as she hurries past , a lot of planning about naru kora on panchami from the revered elder ladies whose hands have a lot of magic and to whose handiwork one used to bow one's head in the older days - the groundwork for the Anandamela was laid here , the rostering of pre puja work amongst the ladies and other integral men's jobs with which we lesser mortals do not worry our heads . I managed to capture some of the activity with old Trusty , aka my camera phone
Mallika Ma'm Your blog took me back to the warm, wonderful Amader Pujo days. R.C.Majumdar 14.1.07
Mallika Ma'm
Your blog took me back to the warm, wonderful Amader Pujo
Hi. Am really nostalgic and as is ususal, the first thing I've started missing is the nadus.
For all my shirking and criticizing, Lake Gardens East is quite something else. It's my strongest link with Kolkata other than family.
Really liked Shamoli mashi's pic.
Nostalgic write up.. and lovely pics, made my resolution stronger to be there next year after missing it twice in a row...
As Bintudi correctly says.. our strongest link back in Kolkata apart from my family..
Take Care
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